

University of Illinois


3 Months


Live Production
Corporate Events · AV Installation · Audio Engineering
Corporate Events · AV Installation · Audio Engineering
Corporate Events · AV Installation · Audio Engineering
Corporate Events · AV Installation · Audio Engineering
Corporate Events · AV Installation · Audio Engineering
Corporate Events · AV Installation · Audio Engineering
Corporate Events · AV Installation · Audio Engineering
Corporate Events · AV Installation · Audio Engineering
Corporate Events · AV Installation · Audio Engineering
Corporate Events · AV Installation · Audio Engineering
Corporate Events · AV Installation · Audio Engineering
Corporate Events · AV Installation · Audio Engineering
Corporate Events · AV Installation · Audio Engineering
Corporate Events · AV Installation · Audio Engineering

Paperwork Reimagined


Urinetown was the 2022 fall musical at the University of Illinois. It is a musical satire of bureaucracy and musical theatre itself. It is set in a world ravaged by a 20-year drought leading to the government ban on private toilets. With the people bleeding dry from the Urine Good Companies tariffs, a revolution occurs seeking to allow the people to pee for free.

my role

During the November 2022 production of Urinetown at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign's Cowell Playhouse, I served as the Audio Engineer for Illinois Theater. Tasked with managing the audio aspects, I focused on streamlining paperwork to serve as a centralized hub for all audio-related matters. The venue had been recently equipped with a Meyer Sound D'Mitri system capable of constellation. I leveraged my expertise with Meyer Sound's D-Mitri system to manage and organize the signal flow for well over 100 speakers. While I value the clarity of Excel spreadsheets, I recognized the need for faster and more efficient methods of dispensing information. This led me to create detailed diagrams alongside spreadsheets, ensuring smooth setup and operation during load-in and rehearsals.

key outcomes

A key takeaway from this experience was the importance of communication within the crew, which facilitated quick problem-solving and collaboration, as exemplified when accommodating last-minute changes during rehearsals through effective teamwork. Building solid friendships with the technical team allowed for better and faster solutions, as evidenced when the design added front-fill monitors during mid-dress rehearsal. Thanks to these relationships, we swiftly implemented the changes, ensuring a seamless production. This experience emphasized the significance of fostering strong bonds with colleagues, enabling smoother operations and enhancing overall performance.

Let's work together
Let's work together
Let's work together
Let's work together
Let's work together
Let's work together
Let's work together
Let's work together
Let's work together
Let's work together
Let's work together
Let's work together
Let's work together
Let's work together
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